Earlier this week, the actual
Loon dust jacket emerged from the uber-talents at Random House.
Here's a first look at the front/back cover and the inside flaps.

I'm beginning to get emails from other survivors of the Battle for LZ Loon. For many, this book is a validation of that which they endured 41 years ago.

I am unable to describe the feeling.
Loon began as a remembrance for my three daughters. It slowly morphed into a beacon for my fellow veterans of Charlie Company. It is now emerging as a validation for countless Vietnam veterans and their families.
Vietnam really did happen.
We really did fight in a war.
Lots of our brothers died.
We are all safely home.
It's time to let go.
Thank you for visiting.
On the cover of the Rolling Stone - Dr. Hook
I want to hold it! Run my hand along the cover, crack it open, have you sign it. Read it. Put it on the shelf, take it down again. Stare at it in disbelief of what you went through and how this book willed it's way to publication against all odds.
Congratulations, John.
This is the celebration, the acknowledgement, the welcome home, the recognition, and the
beginning of our understanding of what you went through.
"wanna buy five copies for my mother"
If only. But she knew.
It's wonderful. You have it in your hand and will give it to so many more people. They will take it for so many reasons.
Congratulations, John. It's just the beginning. You really have done it.
Mom knew, indeed.
Can you identify the quote?
no, what is the quote?
I remember the Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa's when you showed your slides of Vietnam! Congratulations on your book! See you on the A train...-margo
That. is. so. cool. This may come as a surprise, but it didn't occur to me that it would actually have a jacket! I just hadn't thought that far yet. What a great description of the story. Did you write that? I imagine you wrote the about the author, because that sounds like you. I'm honored to be identified on the back cover of a future bestseller. I never dreamed I could aspire to such heights!
What an amazing achievement. What an incredible manner in which to find closure and to help countless others begin the emotional journey that has led you to this point. Congratulations, Dad. I'm very proud to be your daughter.
Dr. Hook. "On the cover of Rolling Stone" -after some investigative work. Very appropriate title. I'm not sure how you come up with them.
Any word back from PA?
Gold star, Sylvia - Dr. Hook indeed. Would that my brain had room for more useful information!
No word from PA.
John, I just read the page from the inside of your book you posted...I do have such a clear memory of a Thanksgiving Day and you showing slides from the Marine Corps -- were they of Parris Island or was it really the three day LZ Loon battle you described?...I was too young and dumb to come close to appreciating. How incredible you've written a book about it, and your life! Again, heartfelt congratulations!!...margo
The Tsien Writer in Residence.
wow. congrats on that, too.
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