Thanks to the generosity of the Tsien family, I will be spending much of the next year in their furnished Ft. Lee, NJ coop. It's a terrific opportunity for me - close to Martha and Random House. New York will also return me to life's rich urban pageant with an explosion of new characters and experiences.
Thank you Tsiens!
I moved a car-load load of stuff in yesterday and stacked it in a corner of the dining room. In the coming weeks, I will move in another car-load, myself, my desk and chair, and several gallons of paint.
5B has been the occasional home for the Tsien children for years and their family life is everywhere - photographs, books, clothes, shampoo, and food. (They now reside in Taipei and Hong Kong. My daughter Sarah and granddaughter Margaret belong to the Hong Kong branch.)
The apartment is a wonderful museum that provides a loving snapshot into the life of an extraordinary family. It is my great privilege to be there.
I am writing this blog for you - Josephine, Gayle, Joannie, John, and Joy. 5B will no doubt change while I am there, as much as I will try to keep everything as it is. Through stories and pictures, I'll try to keep you up to date on your home away from home, the neighborhood, and the characters in the building.
Others will certainly enter this space, so I will write for a wider audience, but never lose sight of the fact that I am a visitor in your home.
Thank you for visiting.