Tuesday, May 19
5:30 pm-5:45 pm ET
LIVE National Radio Phoner
American Family Radio / Michael Reagan Hour
Contact: Devin Patrick, 662/844-8888 ext 329 or reaganprep@devinpatrick.net
*Note: The show will call Jack at 201/947-0924, backup cell 202/320-6686.
Thursday, May 21—WASHINGTON, DC
3:00 pm-3:30 pm
TAPED National TV Interview
Reuters TV / Author’s Corner
1333 H St. NW, 5th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
Contact: Deborah Lutterbeck, 202/310-5690 or deborah.lutterbeck@reuters.com
5:00 pm-7:00 pm
Book Party
1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW (Lobby)
Washington, D.C. 20004
Contact: Amy Kitzmiller, Fabiani & Associates, 202/756-4399
Attendees: 50-100+ (friends and family by private invitation)
Bookseller: Offsite Books, Inc.
On-Site Contact: Pat Kreuzburg, 240/481-3754 or plk94@aol.com
Office Contact: Alicia Greene, 202/321-8451 or agreene20007@hotmail.com
*Note: Author Jack McLean can be reached at 202/320-6686.
Friday, May 22
7:30 am-9:30 am ET
LIVE National Radio Tour
Launch Radio Networks
Contact: Berndette Duncan, 212/536-3657 or bernadetted@launchradionetworks.com
*Note: Bernadette will call Jack at (landline TK); as backup, his cell is 202/320-6686.
**Note: There will also be interviews on Memorial Day proper.
Thursday, June 4—WASHINGTON, D.C.
6:30 pm
Reception, Talk, Q&A, Signing & Dinner
The Army Navy Club
901 17th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20006
Contacts: Peter McCarthy, 703/671-4300 or McCarthy@Careertran.com; Megan McCarthy, Mmccarthy@armynavyclub.org; and Shannon McNess, smcness@armynavyclub.org
*Note: The format consists of a program beginning with wine and cheese at 6:30 pm. You will be introduced at about 7:00 pm and will speak for 30-45 minutes followed by a Q&A. Following the Forum, you’ll have a book signing (also prior to the start of the Forum if you wish) and finally a very nice dinner.
Sunday, June 14—CONCORD, MA
2:45 pm arrival
3:00 pm-4:00 pm
Talk & Signing
The Concord Bookshop
65 Main Street
Concord, MA 01742
Contact: Jill Wassong, 978/369-2405 or Jill@concordbookshop.com
*Note: The talk should last for about 20-30 minutes, followed by a Q&A.
Thursday, June 18—DENVER, CO
7:30 pm
Talk & Signing
Tattered Cover
2526 East Colfax Avenue
Denver, CO 80206
Contact: Charles Stillwagon, 303/436-9219 x2736 or charles.stillwagon@tatteredcover.com
Saturday, June 20—BOULDER, CO
Time TK
Talk & Signing
Barnes & Noble
Crossroads Commons
2915 Pearl Street
Boulder, CO 80301
Tuesday, July 21—CAMBRIDGE, MA
7:00 pm
Talk & Signing
Porter Square Books
Porter Square Shopping Center
25 White Street
Cambridge, MA 02140
Contact: Ellen Jarrett, 617/491-2220 or ellen@portersquarebooks.com