I've just landed in Incheon, South Korea on my way to Hong Kong.
It is a most historic place for United States Marines.
Three ultimate truths were pounded into our skulls before the sun rose to our first morning of boot camp. They were Incheon, Chosin Reservoir, and Chesty Puller.

The Cold War escalated when communist North Korea invaded South Korea in what was seen as a global military challenge. As the head of UN forces, Army General Douglas MacArthur relied on the amphibious capabilities of the Marine Corps to reclaim South Korea's occupied capital, Seoul.
In a surprise attack, Marines landed behind enemy lines on the heavily defended shores of Inchon. Moving from landing ship tanks, they climbed the seawall with gunfire support from helicopters above. Within hours, the Marines cleared the beach and began moving toward Seoul. In two weeks, they reclaimed the capital and put the North Korean army on the run.
In a surprise attack, Marines landed behind enemy lines on the heavily defended shores of Inchon. Moving from landing ship tanks, they climbed the seawall with gunfire support from helicopters above. Within hours, the Marines cleared the beach and began moving toward Seoul. In two weeks, they reclaimed the capital and put the North Korean army on the run.
Puller is the most decorated Marine in history, having received the Navy Cross (one below the Medal of Honor) five times.
Semper Fi, Chesty with thanks from a grateful country and legions of fellow Marines living and dead.
Thank you for visiting.